The Official

Liverpool Pembroke & Sefton Harriers

Records Website





This website has been compiled through many years of painstaking research to fill a yawning gap in the annals of the Liverpool Pembroke & Sefton Harriers & Athletic Club, namely the provision of a comprehensive set of Ladies and Gentlemans record performances for all age groups. The club is the result of a merger between Sefton Harriers & A.C. (founded 1889) and Liverpool Pembroke A.C. (founded 1890). With over two centuries of archives to research I doubt this will ever be complete; but it keeps me off street corners.


The majority of the entries herein have been compiled from the British Athletics Annual (currently published by Umbra Athletics Ltd). I have also leafed through over 2000 copies of Athletics Weekly & Athletics Today. Regulars to these publications will be aware that they do contain the occasional typographical error and a pathological inability to distinguish between Liverpool Pembroke and the other local club, Liverpool Harriers. Consequently there is a possibility that some of the entries listed may actually be athletes who belong to other clubs from the area. Also it is often found that, in the annual listings, first names are abbreviated just to a letter, venues are omitted or the exact date is reduced to just a year. I would be eternally grateful if anyone who notices errors or can correct dates, venues, relay squad members, first names etc., could e-mail me at and I will make the necessary alterations at the earliest opportunity.


I would also like to hear from anyone who believes they know of better performances but, please, provide some evidence to back up any claims. I regret to have to insist that school sports days, village fetes and the local tug-of-war cannot be deemed to be suitable competitions for record purposes.


Sincerest thanks go to Mr. Stan Greenberg who helped to fill in some of the more difficult gaps.


The eagle-eyed viewer may have noted that this began life is an unofficial site. The great and the good at LPS have now adopted this as their official archive, something of which I am immensely proud. The LPS club website can be found at :




Stars Of Track & Field.



Senior Ladies--Under 20 Ladies--Under 17 Ladies--Under 15 Ladies--Under 13 Ladies



Senior Men----Under 20 Men----Under 17 Men----Under 15 Men----Under 13 Men



5-Deep Listings ---------------Veterans (Ladies & Men)



On The Road Again.



I've now extended this to include some of the more popular distances run. There may yet be more to come !


3 Miles-----4 Miles-----5 Miles-----6 Miles


10 Miles----15 Miles----20 Miles----Half-Marathon-----Marathon


5 km----    10 km



"I'm a roadrunner, baby...."--Junior Walker & The Allstars

"Roadrunner, roadrunner, I go a thousand miles an hour...."--Jonathon Richman



A Little Bit Of Fun !


The few links that follow are not intended to form any kind of definitive reference; they are just informal lists of all round running, sprinting, throwing and jumping ability based on the best performances in each category I've been able to unearth over the years. If there are better performances which are missing, you know what to do - tell me via Previous versions had scores taken from the IAAF multievents scoring tables 2001 where possible with other events scored from various tables found on the IAAF website. Comparisons between these were inconsistent at best. These lists have all been re-scored in July 2012 from IAAF Scoring Tables Of Athletics and IAAF Scoring Tables Of Indoor Athletics by Dr Bojidar Spiriev 2011 to provide better consistency.



Sprinters-----Throwers-----Jumpers-----Middle Distance-----Long Distance-----



A Very Unofficial History of LPS.



A few pictures, video clips and stories can be found by following the link below.


Pictures, Videos & Stories.





"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."--Mark Twain



Dave Brown : treasurer and mens T&F captain and mediocre javelin thrower.



Last updated 28 April 2024 (to include all results up to 31-12-2022 and some records thereafter).